After about a week free of tests, the last class of the afternoon was one filled with anxiety. Probability of having a test was so high that the bookie's counter was flooded with queries about which subject to put a bet on. I had mine put on Data Analysis. Notwithstanding the marvelous class of Operations Management, at 1 o' clock I was frantically refreshing my mail account in anticipation of the dreaded test announcement email. But destiny had other plans. Man proposes, God disposes. I lost my bet and boy, was I happy!
Lunch was unusually tasty. The Management Communication email that I had to send to my Western India Business division thereafter, seemed like a breeze. I got so carried away that I sent in an impromptu email to the gang inviting for a full blooded late night soccer match. The response was terrific.
Not only did we have a record crowd, we even had some of the spouses and the little ones adding color to the festivities. The whistle was blown and the mad rush for the ball began. Competitive spirit saw a few rough tackles and some had to be substituted owing to early injuries. Powerful shots and long passes followed. The game ended with the score reading 3-2.
A rare fun filled day came to an end and it was good to see everyone relaxed. Tomorrow a good number of us leave for our homes for a three day break. Like everyone, I am eager to visit home, but I surely will miss the gang even if it is only for three days. With the long list of pending tests and the term nearing completion, the week after will be another time another story to tell.