Friday, September 17, 2010

Job Half Done

The last three weeks or so, I have been sighing. Really! And my arms and legs are almost paralyzed with the long sigh of relief. I was itching to say a lot on my blog since the last week of last month but a relaxed state of mind and body forbade me from doing so. MBA is half done! And guess what, apparently the tougher part is over. After the nightmarish first term and the relatively equally torturous second one, most of us have garnered enough confidence that the rest will sail through.

We did have our bit of fun in second term though. T-nite is a particularly memorable part. Most of us participated in some way or the other in this energizing cultural festival. Starting from the pub run, the practice sessions, section video preparation, dances, songs and of course a skit mimicking MBA students in Akbar's "durbar" were very well enjoyed by everyone. T-nite will probably also be a key contributor in making life difficult when we leave this place for good in another six months or so.

Third term started in a slightly relaxed tempo. The high point so far has been an entire course being taught by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, former president of India. Having classroom sessions by one of India's most respected public personality was some experience in itself. Add to it the simplicity of the way in which he delivers his lectures and the live exchange of ideas with the student community in the theme of nation building and you have your money's worth.

Next high point on the agenda is the international immersion program. Most are planning to visit Asian business schools with a few going to Europe. After that trip, it will be all downhill - preparation for reality after the one year of roller coaster ride called PGPX.