Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Post Mortem

It has been almost 6 months since we finished PGPX and it already seems like a distant dream - a great one at that. Sitting alone in the middle of the night, I am having this strong urge to ponder over that year so well spent.The welcome dinner, the barrage of classes and quizzes in the first two terms, midnight football, end-terms, t-nite, Dasada, IIP, placement season, convocation - everything seems like a dream that got over so very fast.

I still remember how eager I was to get into IIMA and then once I got through how confused I was to take the plunge. At some point, I even had the feeling that most of my questions about what I myself wanted in life and career would be answered during that one year. And when I look back now, how wrong I was. If at all, it gave us so many opportunities, so many choices and that much more confusion to add to life. Reality sucks! But given a choice, I would still go back and spend a year at that great place. Personally, learning to use a bit of right brain, great lifelong (hopefully) friends, a barrage of management jargon and the brand are probably my takeaways.


  1. Hi Gautam,

    I got an interview call for PGPX and while i will be definitely attending it but i am confused for some or the other reason .
    If you have time can you please provide me the time and number where i can talk to you and resolve my queries.I know it is bit wierd to ask for the number directly but after reading your blog i am getting more confused :-) .
    Kindly assist.


  2. Hi Gautham,

    Curious to know what was your scene after the PGPX? Did you sit for placements? Venture into entrepreneurship?

    Would you please share your story post the IIM with us? :) Thanks!
